Fosse Septic
Henry & Fleur


Back in the spring Donna sowed some Parsnip seeds. Notoriously difficult to germinate we were only moderately successful. Today we decided it was time to taste the fruits of our labour.

The results were very pleasing.


We have also put to good use the toamtoes.


As the winter nears we have many green tomatoes so Donna has turned some into Green Tomatoe Chutney. It looks good but we need to wait another 6 weeks to tast the results.


Sadly the same success cannot be recorded for the Fig Chutney! Donna, spent the afternoon picking/collecting the fruit and preparing them. Unfortunately she also decided to leave the mixture simmering whilst she collected the kids from the bus and when she returned we found a substance that Tarmac would have been happy to coat the M1 with!

Good experience though and we shall know next time.
