flames!I wish it would all go up in smoke!
Snug as a bug in a rug

Spooky God face in the smoke of the Twin Towers

God face in smoke and twin towers new york 11 september 2001
Watch this video of the second of the Twin Towers falling and see a god-like face appear in the smoke and dust.

I was watching a Google video - What we saw Bob and Bri - of the events unfolding.

God's face in the smoke after the twin tower has fallen

The first Tower had already fallen and just as it seemed it could not get any worse the second tower collapses.

As the huge building crumbles and the dust and smoke engulfs the area I saw a face briefly appear.

If I was asked to imagine (I'm not a religious person) how God or Jesus would look like then I guess this would be it. There's a forlorn, almost sad expression in the eyes.

To prove this isn't trickery on my part, watch the video yourself:, the image starts to appear on 20minutes and 16 seconds. You will be able to see it develop for yourself, if you watch carefully.

Foot note: The original Google video was removed but the same video was uploaded to Youtube. What we saw Bob and Bri World Trade Center 911
