An alternative to airflex insulation
Perigord Vacance on French Entree

Lefarge the perfect Mix a Mate

Test_photos_005 I procrastinated for ages over whether to mix the concrete for the barn floor myself or pay that little bit extra and have a ready mix concrete delivery.Well, in hindsight the decision should have been a no-brainer!

Lefarge called me at 7.45 to say the lorry had left the Villeneuve depot and that the lorry would be with me by 8.45.

I had set everything up yesterday evening and with the help of a couple of neighbours we were ready to greet the driver.

Test_photos_003 The lorry was reversed right up to the barn opening but unfortunately the driver only had 4 extensions to the chute which was an irritation because it meant using wheel barrows to transport half of the lorry to the extremities of the barn.

The concrete was very liquid which made the levelling easy, in fact very 'self levelling' and less than one and a half hours from the start we had tamped the whole surface and ready to clean the equipment.


The cost of 6.5 cubic metres came to 906.26 euros.

Bear in mind there is a tax CONTRIBUTION ENVIRONNEMENT and a surcharge for the empty part of the lorry so with extras the 110.0034 euros per metre came to 116.57 plus TVA or 19.6%.

How does this compare to the self mix method? Well cement would have cost 4.60 euros per sack so approx 551 euros plus 41.00 euros delivery and 146.00 euros for ballast (melange รก beton) plus 41.00 euros delivery and two good days of work.

Bear in mind that you will also get a consistently gauged and evenly mixed load.

In my opinion, the investment was well worth it.

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