Paying your way on the net
Nov 25, 2006
I have two friends, Martin and Danielle Griffin who regularly visit Perigord Vacance, who own a house in Aude.
They maintain a website dedicated to Francophiles with a forum for discussions.
One of the questions raised on the forum by its owner Martin Griffin is
"In2Aude is up for renewal.... should ...
Renew it?
It costs about 50 quid a year to register the domain and 'park' it in my ISP.
Not much traffic on the site this year - apart from the spam bots...
What do ya' think?"
The Internet is a very big place and I am sure a lot will agree, some topics and subjects are fairly well thrashed with French content being no exception. There are many sites that you can pop into and chat and discuss and only a handful of them are really worthwhile.
Martin's question about keeping the site going is a relevant one at this time of an ever increasing Internet.
So the big dilemma for anyone who keeps a blog or site is. How do I make it pay?
If anyone can add any useful titbit's to the debate then please feel free to join the discussion.