The world full of coincidences
Oradour-sur-Glane 10th June 1944

Trouble at Bergerac Airport

Bergerac_airport_001 There has been unrest recently at Bergerac airport and yesterday saw it culminate in a blockade.

The problems have arisen by the recent expansion and planned commercialisation which has led to the franchisees of the small bar and restaurant being kicked out.

The catering facilities are now closed and empty as the developers near demolition. The franchisees though are not giving in and have protested against what they perceive as a political conspiracy.

IBergerac_airport_002t seems the problems have come to a head because of the success of the airport where people travelling into Bergerac has increased from a little over 16,000 in 2001 to around 240,000 last year and facilities are now considered inadequate.

Massive new pay and display car parks have been built and the unlimited free parking is soon to be a thing of the past. 90% of cars wintered on the grassy parking strip are English even though they may be French registered.

The shear popularity of the Dordogne and Lot et Garonne area has led to its success and it seems it is set to continue with many people flying in looking for homes and investment.

Bergerac_airport_003_1 The French administration, quite rightly are seeking to tax the Bergerac Airport popularity by making us pay to park if we leave the car for 6 months. What will also be welcomed is an area to buy a meal or coffee in a no smoking area and relax before your flight.

Last Christmas I arrived at Bergerac to meet my sister and her family only to find the flight diverted to Bordeaux because of fog over the runway. I waited with Fleur for nearly 3 hours without the opportunity to buy food or a drink because the tiny restaurant was closed.

We can sympathise with the franchisees for their ostracising but everyone needs food and water and as a traveller this facility needs to be provided whenever the airport is expecting travellers and not at the whim of the operator.

