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May 2007

Stefi, John, Margaret & Louise 19th May 2007


Thankyou for a wonderful stay!

You have indeed acheived a great deal and it was a great pleasure to enjoy all you have put in to this place.

We are quite sure you will go from strength to strength based on our lovely week here and your kind welcome.

Wishing you every success, have a fabulous summer!

Stefi, John, Margaret & Louise 19th May 2007

Yorkshire, England

Swimming Pool Maintenance

Polaris_002 We have a Polaris 280 pool robot which I must say is a wonderful tool and quite fascinating to watch.

We have had it about 10 months and up until last week it has performed as it should - although the blighter wont climb the steps which is irritating because I have to brush them off manually - but last week we noticed that a lot of wind blown soil debris had accumilated in the corners and on the floor which the normal filter cannot deal with.

The tail which blows out a jet of water was 'limp' and not doing as it should. On inspection of the Polaris there a appeared to be a distinct lack of pressure but we noticed it also rose and dropped without a real pattern.

I carried out all of the troubleshooting procedures the manual had  suggested  which included cleaning the in line filter, washing out the bag and re-setting the head float. Inspection of the hoses revealed no holes or leaks and the booster pump seemed to be operating  normally.

I took out the Universal Wall Fitting which connects the hose to the pool wall and back to the pump and looked at the pressure restrictor disk but there was no blockage.

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Boo! yes I am still here

I don't think I have left it so long before blogging before (unless of course I have been away etc).

Sorry about that but it has been manic to say the least. I was on standby on the 2nd May as the Complete Gardens software went live, thankfully everything went really smooth as the button was pushed, so to speak.

There were 4 software sales within the first hour which is encouraging but I am not at liberty to say what has been achieved since.

In the meantime, the plaster board is well behind me and I have started the plastering with the Lutece 2000 (pronounced lutess). Yesterday I spent 3 frantic hours in the afternoon trying to stay ahead of the game and apply, work down and clean up without letting the material get to far ahead.

You do really need a labourer I feel when you attempt plastering to wash out the bucket and clean tools etc whilst you are free to feel and manipulate the surface at the critical stages of the curing.

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Complete Gardens' and the French Connection

I have been working on a project for six months and I have not been able to divulge any details but today it went live and I am rather proud to boot! Only now can I reveal details of it as the software goes on sale using this unique method of download that has probably not been seen in the UK or worldwide for consumer software.

Is it not strange how a chance meeting or casual event can lead you on a journey to a different place and thus start the ball rolling on something that a few weeks earlier did not seem at all possible?

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