Behind closed doors
How to make windows

Johnny Onions, Perigord Vacance style

Onions_002Do you remember the allotment ,----2----,----3----,----4----, we had in the field before the building work took over our lives?

This year has not seen the same activity as we concentrated on getting the barn renovated, the extra jobs on the gite and of course the days jobs that have helped pay our way.

Hopefully, next year we will again up production to feed ourselves and also because we enjoy it.

This year we have only planted and harvested Potatoes, Garlic (some bought this year and some planted from last years harvest), Onions and tomatoes - and of course we have the asparagus as well.

This week I found out how to string onions from a friend over at AtWaG who produced a handy little slideshow.

I then blogged it on Landscape Juice. We now have all the onions drying in the barn ready for use throughout the winter. I just need to braid the garlic - maybe next week.

This picture captioned 'Johnny Onions' seems to show a different method of stringing onions so if anyone knows of a different method I would be keen to hear about it as well.
