French Health care for British Ex-pats
The hunter becomes the hunted

Another thunderstorm, a brilliant autumn and another milestone reached.

Water_damage_007 Back in May we had the most amazing downpour which infiltrated the barn I am renovating, pouring water through the plasterboard that had only just been skimmed with plaster.

It has taken since then to about three weeks ago to get a quote from the roofer for some work so that we could put in a claim to the insurance.

But, this week we had an almighty downpour, like a tornado, and again we had water came through which I recorded for the insurance.

Fingers crossed, this week, we will here what compensation we will receive so that we can repair the damage and insure it does not happen again.

In the meantime, with some pointers from my mate Mark, I have complete the electrics in the barn. Up until now we have used the services of a very good electrician who wired the gite and the main house. I was a bit frustrated that I have never done any electrics so with Mark's help and a very good book called l'installation électrique I have worked out how it is all done and installed it all myself.

New_door_005 I have also designed and made an internal door out of the wood I bought from Monflanquin.
Have you ever walked around a French town and see the doors that have boards across that are not parallel?

I wanted to make one like that, so, using all the different types of wood I did just that.
And, I must say, I am absolutely delighted with the results. The door is solid, character filled, lovely to look at and unique.

What is more, I managed to use up two of the strap hinges and heavy duty slide bolt that I salvaged when we bought the property. Apart from one extra hinge and some bolts the door has just cost me time. I reckon, if I were to have had the door made by a carpenter - remember it is a one off - then I reckon 3-500 euros. Bearing in mind I paid 750.00 euros for the wood I reckon it it a cheap door (although I broke a band saw blade in the process).

Now that I am getting the hang of the electrics I am wiring out the workshop now with lights and sockets. It will great to be able to work in the evenings and not relying on the sun for light to work safely and it means I can coil up the extension leads for good which were always a hazard.

The weather is sensational at the moment and after a misty start in the mornings we are getting a magical clear blue warm day with wall to wall sunshine and about 22 degrees.
I know winter is coming but the longer this goes on the better.

Let us hope we have a mild winter and a short one to boot. although I always think the seasons are necessary for the plant and wildlife and also to let us enjoy the spring as well.
