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September 2013

Coin: Chambres de Commerce de France 1925

This is the best find in terms of condition, found just 20 metres from my house in a freshly sown field.

I was actually walking back to the house when I picked up a strong signal - I wasn't too excited because of the amount of aluminium in the soil so the sound wasn't uncommon.

On the rear of the coin it says:

"Chambres de Commerce de France" around the edge banding and 'Bon Pour 1 (one) Franc".


On the face side it says:

"Commerce Industrie 1925"


Heavy bronze button

I found this button about 50 metres from the bronze buckle; although on different days.

I'm sure there's no real value in it but it's one of the more interesting finds so far. It's really well made, as you can see from the rear.

I'm sure I've seen the pattern before. If you recognise it and can help, perhaps you can leave a message?

It's about the size of an English one penny coin.


bronze button

Old bronze buckle

I'm assuming this is a buckle but there's no apparent facility for a clasp so I cannot be 100% sure.

It is also old: how old, I don't know.

You can clearly see a simple pattern on the face side but it's plain on the reverse. It is also quite weighty for its size. If complete I'd say it would form a square with 2" (50mm) sides.

I found the buckle about 50 metres from the bronze button (although on different days)
