I am so pleased to report that Hector is back in our family fold.
It has been a long 36 hours without him and to be honest during this afternoon as we worked in the barn to keep occupied there really seemed to be nothing to hope for.
We all thought the worst but hoped for the best.
Donna and I must have travelled 200 miles in the last two days visiting isolated house or farm, vet's and Police and the Mairie in the outside hope that someone had seen him or taken him in.
Today we suffered a cruel twist when travelling into Monflanquin to register our loss with the Police. I saw, across the fields, a black Labrador sitting in front of an old farmhouse.
Immediately, I shouted, there he is!
We turned down a small lane towards Château Roquefere and then right into this little lane.
My heart was pounding as I drove towards the dog and I was convinced it was Hector. I walked as close to the nervous dog and I needed to get to 10 feet away to realise cruelly that it was not him. In fact it was a bitch.
When she moved the differences became obvious..
We both felt extremely deflated and it was then that we really felt that we may never see Hector again.